Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the phenomenon of legal co-creation of public authorities and society in relation to the category of joint activity. The interdisciplinary nature of these categories and the productivity of their joint research are indicated. Considering the basic concepts of joint activity developed in sociology and social psychology, the authors of the work come to the conclusion that the accumulated knowledge in these scientific fields can act as a fundamental theoretical and methodological basis for the study of legal co-creation as a special kind of joint activity in the law-making sphere. In substantiation of this thesis, the general signs of joint activity and legal co-creation are given, revealing their unified socio-psychological nature and characterizing the corresponding specifics. Some special legal features are also highlighted and the definition of the concept of legal co-creation is clarified. In conclusion, it is indicated that the use of the potential of methodological resources of interdisciplinary knowledge will provide a more in-depth knowledge of the essence and content, structure and forms of legal co-creation, which is a special kind of joint activity. The formulated scientific ideas are aimed at developing and enriching the theory of legal co-creation, and will also contribute to creating conditions for optimizing the practice of this legal activity.

public authority, society, joint activities, legal co-creation, law-making, optimization of legal activity, interdisciplinary approach
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