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Abstract (English):
A comparative analysis of the doctrinal principle of the inevitability of responsibility in Russian and Armenian law is carried out. Currently, this principle has no direct normative consolidation either in the legislation of the Russian Federation or in the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. However, there was a period in the history of Armenia (2003–2021) when the principle of the inevitability of responsibility was a principle of positive law enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia. Later, the Armenian legislator deliberately rejected this principle as the fundamental idea of criminal legislation. The Russian courts consider the principle of the inevitability of responsibility as a constitutional principle. Based on the analysis of Russian and Armenian legislation and judicial practice, the author comes to the conclusion that the principle of the inevitability of responsibility is an exclusively doctrinal principle that does not represent the norms of law (a set of legal norms), but is a specific regulator of public relations that influences law enforcement practice.

the principle of the inevitability of responsibility, principles of law, doctrinal principles of law, judicial practice
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