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Abstract (English):
The article continues to develop the author’s ideas about the mechanism of proof in criminal cases. This time, private mechanisms of proof are under the research scope. Here hypotheses about their existence are put forward and confirmed, as well as about the place of private mechanisms in the general mechanism of proof. The author presents a large–scale classification on 13 grounds, where the system-forming factor in distinguishing the mechanisms of proof is the category of crimes, clearly demonstrates the relationship between two mechanisms — criminal activity and evidence activities in the form of a three-level “mirror” display: mechanisms, characteristics and techniques. It is established that the classification of private mechanisms of proof will allow us to advance in the construction of a “conceptual bridge” between these mechanisms, clarify their essence and identify flaws for further improvement.

criminal activity, proving activity, mechanism of proof, mechanism of criminal activity, private mechanisms of proof, methods of investigation of crimes, criminalistic characteristics of criminal activity, criminalistic methods of proving crimes, criminal procedural characteristics of criminal activity
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