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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the legal nature of the documents of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (hereinafter referred to as FATF), gives a description, examines the types and their legal force. In the course of the work, the concept of “FATF Standards” is revealed. In addition, the paper presents an analysis of the FATF Recommendations, Explanatory Notes to the Recommendations, Definitions, textbooks and best practices. Detailed attention is paid to the implementation of FATF law in Russian legislation. The conclusion about the direct effect of FATF acts in the Russian Federation is substantiated. The author demonstrates the direct regulation of domestic relations by the FATF documents, identifies the main gaps in the legal regulation of countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction. The article describes the sanctions imposed by the FATF against Russia.

FATF, FATF standards, Russian Federation, Russian law, implementation
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