The article identifies the potential and assesses the prospect of using the new information technology “Deepfake” based on artificial intelligence and generative-adversarial neural networks in operational investigative activities. A number of problematic issues have been identified that require resolution for the effective use of this technology in solving the tasks of operational investigative activities. Attention is focused on the need to use the “Deepfake” technology in the framework of misinformation of the criminal environment. Synthetic media content in modern conditions is able to provide a solution to operational-investigative tasks of various directions, emphasizing in a special way the prospects of using the “Deepfake” technology in the activities of operational units as a specific method not previously studied in operational-investigative theory and not used in operational-investigative practice. In the conditions of irreversible digitalization of all spheres of public relations, the need for an early transition of the organization and tactics of operational investigative activities into a new phase is indicated, where the role of constantly improving information technologies in operational investigative activities should be a priority.
information technologies, operational investigative activity, artificial intelligence, crime prevention, generative-adversarial neural networks, deepfake, “Deepfake”, deinformation, manipulation
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