Russian Federation
from 01.01.2007 until now
Rossiyskiy gumanitarnyy nauchnyy fond pri Pravitel'stve Rossiyskoy Federacii (ekspert)
Russian Federation
The authors address one of the problems of interaction between natural sciences and humanities — the use of theoretical provisions of synergetic, theories of dissipative structures and turbulence in the study of problems of the history of state and law through the prism of a bifurcation approach. The article discusses the general conceptual issues of understanding bifurcation and the bifurcation approach as tools for studying social processes and institutions. Special attention is focused on the methodological design and the possibilities of its use as a cognitive tool in research practices.
synergetics, sociosynergetics, social and humanitarian sciences, legal sciences, methodology of studying state-legal phenomena and institutions, methodological approaches, bifurcation approach
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