Russian Federation
The postulation of the modern state as legal at the same time means the ability of a citizen to make public legal claims to the government as a whole and its power institutions. In relation to modern Russia, the problem of legally correct (responsible) behavior of the state and the entire system of public authorities in relations with citizens is fundamentally new. For a long time, the prevailing ideology of immunity of the state and other powerful public legal structures from responsibility turns out to be very «tenacious» in relation to new state-legal realities. Accordingly, the problem of responsibility of the state and public authorities for the violation of fundamental human and civil rights and freedoms in the specialized literature is considered mainly in the context of positive legal (political) responsibility outside of protective and coercive tools. It is obvious that overcoming views rooted in theory and practice predetermines the formation of a well-established mechanism of legal responsibility of public authorities in the state legal system as the most important guarantee of constitutional and legal protection (and protection) of fundamental rights and freedoms, countering corrupt behavior of public law officials, and the formation of trust in government institutions in society among the broadest segments of the population. The study of the problem of public liability in this sense is indeed one of the priorities of modern legal science, is a kind of its response to the challenges of the developing constitutional practice of modern Russia.
institute of recall of deputies of the Soviets of People’s Deputies, dogmatization of public-legal responsibility, positive responsibility as a quasi-idea, innovative approach to understanding constitutional responsibility, method of legal regulation in constitutional law, special constitutions of constitutional torts, responsibility without guilt in the public-legal sphere, increased legal responsibility of a special subject, public-legal abuse, mechanisms of legal responsibility of public authorities, public legal responsibility as a “subsidiary” form, a type of constitutional responsibility.
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3. Chervonyuk V. I. Theory of Constitutional Law: Comparative Legal and Regional Analysis: Monograph. Moscow: Yustitsinform Publ., 2022. Pp. 108–121. (In Russ.)
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13. Chervonyuk V. I. Subject (subject areas) and normative structure of constitutional law in modern legal discourse. State and Law, 2020, no. 2, pp. 50–58. (In Russ.)
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15. Karlov M. Yu. Parliamentary responsibility: ethical and legal principles: monograph. Kazan: Buk, 2022. P. 30. (In Russ.)
16. Inter-sectoral differentiation of criminal and other types of legal liability: results of theoretical modeling: monograph / ed. by doctor of law, prof. N. A. Lopashenko. Moscow: Yurlitinform Publ., 2021. (In Russ.)
17. Chervonyuk V. I. Implementation of constitutional and legal concepts in sectoral (current) legislation (positive law) as a form of its constitutionalization. Public service and personnel, 2014, no. 4, pp. 13–18. (In Russ.)
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21. Kushkhova B. Z. Legal liability of public authorities in modern Russia: general theoretical aspect. Author’s abstract... candidate of legal sciences. Moscow, 2009. P. 5. (In Russ.)
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26. Chervonyuk V. I. Modern concept of constitutional liability. Constitutional and municipal law, 2010, no. 11, pp. 8–13. (In Russ.)
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30. Chervonyuk V. I. Organization of public authority: monograph. Moscow: Yustitsinform Publ., 2023. pp. 949–962. (In Russ.)
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