Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the issues of legislative regulation of the right to be forgotten, the relationship of this right with the right to delete information. The concept of “right to be forgotten” is defined, its structure and content are revealed. As a result of the study, the author proposes to enshrine in federal law no. 149-FZ of July 27, 2016 “On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information” the ability to demand that the search engine operator stop issuing links to information on personal data, except for information subject to placement on the Internet; to grant the right to be forgotten to children, parents and the surviving spouse of a person in the event of the death of the latter; to specify the mechanism for filing claims by the applicant to remove a link to the search engine operator.

right to be forgotten, right to erasure information, privacy, processing of personal data, personal data operator, search engine operator
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