Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the specific provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of countering terrorism in a rapidly changing reality, as well as problematic issues arising from the implementation of these provisions; identification of criminologically significant causes and conditions for the commission of terrorist crimes; identification of legislative gaps and law enforcement problems in this area, development of sound proposals for their solution. In this regard, the problem of terrorism turns out to be relevant not only for Russia, but also for the entire world community. This fact is due to the fact that terrorism poses a danger to the state, its integrity, sovereignty, various institutions (public, legal, state, economic, etc.), property, legitimate human and civil rights and freedoms, as well as encroach on the health and life of an individual, etc. The article notes that various manifestations of terrorism encroach on various.

subjects of terrorism prevention, terrorism, counteraction to terrorism, determinants, national security
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