Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Due to the adoption of a new nomenclature of scientific specialties in specialty 5.1.4 — “Criminal Law Sciences”, research on human rights activities can now be carried out using an interdisciplinary approach, that is, using criminal law, criminal procedure, criminalistic, operational investigative and other knowledge. The article examines the main directions of interdisciplinary research in the field of human rights activities, such as: criminal law, forensic and operational investigative means of protecting businesses; nomination and verification of protective versions in criminal cases of certain categories, and others. There are 11 directions in total. Some methodological and, most importantly, ethical requirements for this kind of interdisciplinary research are analyzed. It is noted that, despite the lack of scientific literature, in recent years, leading Russian law universities have prepared and successfully implemented educational projects of the appropriate profile. The data on the level of interest of young lawyers, practitioners and trainees in obtaining relevant knowledge and conducting scientific research are presented. It is necessary to stimulate such developments, develop their methodology, and offer young scientists, including lawyers, practice-oriented human rights thesis topics that take into account personal professional strategies. It has been established that the increased demand of the population for information in the field of protection from defamation, mass inspections and criminal prosecution (especially business) determines the rapid growth of human rights content in social networks, messengers, profile sites and business magazines. However, this is mainly journalistic and educational content that does not have a proper scientific basis. In conclusion, conclusions are formulated about the high level of relevance and relevance of interdisciplinary knowledge of human rights issues. And this demand, of course, must be met by appropriate scientific research.

human rights activities, criminalistics, operational investigative activities, interdisciplinary research, nomenclature of scientific specialties, criminal law sciences, protection from prosecution, protective versions, criminal law risks
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