Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article proposes to orient and expand legal doctrinal studies of law–making and law enforcement operations — the “atoms” of legal activity and the creation of structures from them, from which the social and legal-technical adequacy of normative legal acts, legal certainty, uniform law enforcement, and the ordering of public relations should arise. Natural sciences penetrate into smaller and smaller particles of nature — up to billionths of objects (nano). From small sizes, due to changes in the structure of materials, new properties arise — the results of technological progress. Nizhny Novgorod Scientific School “Improvement of legal technology as a pattern of the law-making process in Russia (history, theory, practice)” has been researching the technique of law-making and law enforcement for almost 30 years. One of the main tasks is the translation of scientific results into reproducible actions (technologies), in the training of practicing lawyers in law–making, interpretative, implemented law enforcement operations. The main risks for the country’s development are, “first of all, the lack of qualified personnel and its own advanced technologies — their absence in some areas” [1].

nanotechnology, analysis of legal acts, law-making, interpretative, law enforcement operations, elements, information technologies
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