Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the level of criminogenic situation in the Russian Federation is becoming more and more aggravated every year. The number of criminal manifestations is growing, which are associated with careful preparation, organization, and the use of advanced information technologies that allow you to commit illegal actions at a remote level, thereby maintaining anonymity and avoiding responsibility. In this regard, there are special computer technologies in the law enforcement system, with the help of which it is possible to recognize the face of a wanted offender in any public place. Facial recognition systems greatly facilitate the work of law enforcement agencies, since they allow you to determine the exact location of the guilty person in real time, what he is wearing, what actions he is performing, and so on. In this scientific article, special attention is paid to information systems for facial recognition, which find their practical application in the activities of law enforcement agencies, help in the detection and investigation of crimes, and serve as means of prevention. The information technologies underlying the studied systems are considered. Examples of the positive use of face identification systems by law enforcement agencies are given. The trends of expanding the use of systems in the future are being studied.

information technology, face recognition system, face identification, law enforcement
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