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Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the issue of the formation of competent actions of law enforcement officers in the suppression of offenses in extreme conditions. The ability to use firearms in a dynamic, rapidly developing situation is certainly an urgent and relevant competence that meets modern challenges. The formation of professional skills to overcome stress factors that arise during the suppression of offenses is due to the need for strict compliance with the applicable norms of administrative and criminal legislation. The performance of law enforcement functions involves overcoming the resistance provided to police officers, in this regard, as an exceptional measure, law enforcement officers are allowed the lawful use of firearms. The situation of the use of firearms is unique in its development, since the actions of offenders are never repeated, aggression and resistance always manifest themselves in different ways. In this regard, law enforcement officers need to train and maintain a level of personal competence that allows them to professionally prevent offenses. The training and professionalism of police officers should be maintained in practical units in fire training classes. In this regard, the motivation and interest of employees involved in conducting classes in developing the necessary skills is extremely important. Various methods of conducting classes should be formed at the level of basic preparedness of law enforcement officers and based on the performance of exercises in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia no. 880 of November 23, 2017 ”On approval of the Manual on the organization of fire training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation“.

professional competencies, stress, extreme situations, firearms, law enforcement agencies
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