Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the relevant theme of ensuring the improvement of regional resources management in the period of economic sanctions. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors of the article consider the main elements of optimizing the regional resources under the conditions of economic security. The authors propose to introduce the posting of a regional manager into administrative structures for managing the resources of the region and describe the scope of activities and the range of tasks of regional managers. The proposed functionality of regional managers in the structure of administration makes it possible to increase the resource allocation of territories for economic security. The article highlights inner and outer tasks of development and management of resources in conditions of economic security. The factors of optimizing the use of the region’s resources in conditions of economic security to increase the volume of services provided in the territories are considered. The coefficient of resourcing in the conditions of economic security of the region is proposed for analyzing the use of resources by regional managers. The authors consider it expedient to take into account the points of economic growth that should be identified by regional managers in order to optimize seasonal fluctuations in demand for resources. The issues of using the resources of the region to expand the range of services and production of goods in the territories, the cost of using resources by enterprises of the region are investigated.
resource potential of the region, regional resource management manager, resource utilization factors, resource factor in the conditions of economic security of the regions.
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