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Abstract (English):
In the work, the author critically examines the phenomenon of “legal priority” through the prism of normative implementation and existing doctrinal positions. The reason for the beginning of the scientific discussion was the dissertation research by N. N. Khroni on the topic: “Priority duty in the structure of a special legal status”. Having taken place as a scientific qualification work, while being performed at a very high level, the above-mentioned dissertation prompted the author to address the phenomenon of “legal priority” from a general theoretical standpoint. The author, in the projection to the study of N. N. Chroni analyzes the modern legal and linguistic component of the lexeme “priority”, its analysis is carried out from the perspective of both scientific and practical-applied components. The hypothesis is put forward that legal priority by its nature is a means of differentiation and hierarchical construction of various elements of the legal system. The forms of objectification of legal priority in specific legal relations are reasoned. The conclusion is made about the need for a full-fledged, general theoretical study of legal priority, the formation of its doctrinal concept.

legal priority, legal status, differentiation, legal technique, preference, legal advantages, priority duty, special legal status
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