Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The successful development of industrial parks lies in a responsible attitude to the environment, high social responsibility and high-quality corporate governance. The purpose of the study: to develop competencies in the field of sustainable development and to provide practical skills for the implementation of ESG principles to ensure the investment attractiveness of industrial parks. In the context of ESG prudential regulation, new requirements, guidelines for identifying ESG information are analyzed, recommendations and ESG reporting standards are developed, measures are taken to protect the rights of investors, universal definitions, indicators and criteria for sustainable projects are being developed. ESG funding incentive tools are being consistently launched, work is underway to increase the competence of residents about sustainable financing, the elimination of brown subsidies, etc. There is no single approach to ranking. Industrial parks track the ESG rating, as a positive relationship between responsible investment and profitability has been confirmed, and investors can avoid parks that are associated with economic risks and large financial losses. Key factors for including ESG in the investment process in Russia: risk management, client request, legal requirements, senior management support, N/A does not include ESG. Key barriers to including ESG in the investment process in Russia: underdeveloped internal culture, lack of comparable historical data, lack of application from clients, lack of understanding of ESG factors and trigger mechanisms, ESG risks are rarely significant. For the development of industrial parks in accordance with the ESG standards of the sustainable socio-economic development policy, it is necessary to carry out industrial renovation: dismantling, redevelopment, recycling of all waste.

principles, sustainable development (ESG), key indicators, reporting system, legal regulation
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