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Abstract (English):
In modern Russia, the gaps in legal regulation can be called a permanent phenomenon, which is accompanied by the constant development of technologies and the emergence of new areas of social relations associated with it. It is also impossible not to recognize the transformation of many social relations, while their legal regulation has remained traditional. Undoubtedly, the coronovirus infection pandemic, which necessitated the implementation of legal regulation, had a serious impact on a number of areas. Definitely, this topic will never lose its relevance, since the scientific and legal literature recognizes the inevitability of the existence of gaps in law, due to the impossibility of creating a perfect law, with absolute completeness regulating all social relations subject to legal regulation, especially in conditions of constant development of objective reality. In the study, from the point of view of theory, various positions of scientists on the issue of the relationship between the concepts of ˮgap in lawˮ and ˮgap in legislationˮ are analyzed, summarized and given; ˮdefect in lawˮ and ˮgap in lawˮ; ˮgap in the lawˮ and ˮgap in the lawˮ. The classification of gaps in law on various grounds is considered. The author pays special attention to the study of the causes of occurrence in law. In conclusion, the author emphasizes that in the legal doctrine there is no unified approach to the concept of a gap in law, a legislative gap or other categories that appear in the scientific and legal literature as synonymous.

gap, legislation, law, defect, rule of law, legal technique; legal regulation
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