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Abstract (English):
The application of the norm on infliction of detriment in apprehension of a criminal raises questions in the doctrine of domestic criminal law and in investigative and trial procedures. The analysis of the content of Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and legal precedents made it possible to identify the shortcomings comprised in the Article and the legal act interpreting its utilization. To eliminate these weaknesses, the author formulated proposals for modernization the norm fixed in this Article and improvement law enforcement activities.

the criminal law, apprehension of a criminal, factors of lawfulness of infliction of detriment, the purpose of detention, delivery to authorities, preclusion of possibility of perpetrations
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15. Milyukov S. F., Nikulenko A. V. Causing harm during the arrest of a person who has committed a socially dangerous act. 2nd edition, revised and expanded. St. Petersburg: Legal Center Publ., 2020. 768 p. (In Russ.)

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