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Abstract (English):
In the article, from the standpoint of a comprehensive understanding of the role of the forensic culture of law enforcement, the methodological prerequisites for the self-determination of forensic knowledge in the structure of criminal law sciences are traced. Law enforcement is considered as a process of restoring justice in public relations, expressed in the movement in the wake of the events of criminal reality, revealing the essence of the trace space and proving the compliance of the traces found with those events that caused damage to people or nature. The important role of the didactic stage in the formation of the forensic culture of law enforcement is emphasized. The complex essence of forensic education is revealed and the didactic means of forming a forensic culture of law enforcement are characterized. A comprehensive understanding of the vision of the trace space of criminal reality is given in relation to the sphere of crime investigation. The didactic stages of the formation of the forensic culture of law enforcement officers through training the ability to structure the criminal reality and its individual manifestations are singled out, and the special didactic tool “primary information comprehension scheme” developed at the Department of Criminalistics of the Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is characterized. This didactic tool is considered in the context of the possibility of its use in the operational-combat thinking of an employee of the internal affairs bodies. In situations where the proposed mental algorithm can become the basis for the optimal actions of a police officer in a situation where it is necessary to instantly respond to emerging circumstances during combat contact with the use of various types of weapons and special means.:

forensic culture of law enforcement, didactic tools of forensic education, intellectual means of investigation
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