Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article deals with the applied aspects of the issues of the mechanism of food supply of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the context of the economic security of the state. The purpose of the study is to reflect the processes of food supply by creating an effective mechanism for the food supply of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, subject to clear legislative regulation, taking into account the reflection of integration into the system of economic security. The scientific novelty of the study is a new scientific approach that allows solving the problems of food supply for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation in the context of economic security. The theoretical significance of this article is the analysis and systematization of scientific research related to the mechanism of food security, as well as the features of its development in the context of measures to ensure the economic security of the state. The practical significance of the presented study is that the proposed recommendations for improving the issues of improving the organizational and economic mechanism for food security of the internal affairs bodies are a set of measures to modernize the entire state mechanism for food security of law enforcement officers. Conclusions: the theoretical and practical provisions reflected in the article can have a positive impact on the further improvement of the concept of food supply for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, which determines the main direction — stable food security as an element of Russia’s economic security.
food supply mechanism for internal affairs bodies, economic security of the state, food quality, security threats, countering corruption
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