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Abstract (English):
Restrictive measures related to the coronavirus pandemic have contributed to the spread of new types of crimes committed using «high» technologies in Russia. The risks of the spread of the criminal situation are aggravated against the background of the spread of coronavirus infection. The most important factor in countering high-tech crime is the work of Rosfinmonitoring, which is targeted at identifying suspicious financial transactions. This article presents the results of a study of the activities of Rosfinmonitoring in the direction of countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime using «high» technologies. The authors set a goal to formulate the problems and possible options for overcoming them in the context of the activities of Rosfinmonitoring with the designation of further prospects for improving its activities. The primary task is to set up the mechanism of interaction of Rosfinmonitoring with law enforcement agencies engaged in criminal prosecution. The conclusion is made about the urgent need to achieve certainty in the issue of accounting for cryptocurrencies, the limits of their use in the economic sphere. The results of the study can be useful for employees of financial control bodies, law enforcement agencies.

money, cryptocurrency, money laundering, law enforcement agencies, economic security, digital financial assets
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