Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the pages of this scientific research we will consider the criminological element of the operational-search characteristic of the RPMN crimes, which, despite its inclusion in the general legal block of the operational-search characteristic, is necessary for the operative worker not for the sake of theoretical curiosity and increasing general erudition. This element has the most important applied significance, since it creates a certain criminal-existential context in which the directions of identifying and solving specific RPMN crimes are updated. In addition, the criminological element of the operational-search characteristic is also significant in an ideological key. It allows us to empirically measure the “level of spread of evil”, which helps to create the necessary operational-search mood for identifying and solving these crimes. The figures of dry statistics in the rays of the operational-search interpretation of the criminological situation acquire special significance. Despite the fact that the number of crimes provided for by art. 242.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are small, but they still cause serious concern, since they have an extremely negative impact on the level of morality in society, and also entail negative consequences for those minors whose images are made. After all, in any case, such minors suffer discomfort, since they are forced to expose themselves to strangers, and if they are involved in various sexual contacts that are captured using photography and video, then in this case their psyche suffers even more. Moral and ethical attitudes are distorted in childhood or adolescence.

criminological characteristics, child pornography, pornographic materials, operational-search characteristics, detection of crimes, cybercrimes, morality

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