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Abstract (English):
Based on the identification of economic and legal characteristics, the article considers customs value as an economic and legal category. From an economic point of view, customs value is a type of value as such and is determined by the purposes of its determination, which consist in compliance with the requirements for the cross-border movement of goods. Customs value is based on the contract price, and the methods for its assessment are enshrined at the international level. It is concluded that the understanding of customs value is based on the relationship between private and public interests in its determination. Contract value is the basis of customs value and reflects private interests, while public interests transform contract value into customs value. From a legal point of view, customs value is closely related to the institutions of customs control and public services in the field of customs. Customs value is the subject of customs value control, which is positioned as a direction of customs control, a type of financial control, an element of the mechanism for administering customs payments. At the same time, the processes of determining customs value are provided by such specific services as making preliminary decisions on the application of methods for determining the customs value of imported goods.

customs value, customs value control, transaction price, legal regulation, administrative procedures, service, preliminary decision
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