Russian Federation
Fiction is considered as a means of cognition and construction of criminal law (review of the official opponent of the candidate's dissertation of Abdulkhannyanov Ilyas Abdulkhaevich on the topic "Fiction in criminal law: theoretical and applied research")
fiction, knowledge, criminal law
1. Abdulkhannyanov I. A. Fiction in criminal law: theoretical and applied research. Dissertation of the candidate of legal science. Nizhny Novgorod, 2023. 325 p. (In Russ).
2. On judicial practice in cases of bribery and other corruption crimes: Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation no. 24 of July 9, 2013. Bulletin of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, 2013, no. 9. (In Russ).
3. Abdulkhannyanov I. A. Fiction in criminal law: theoretical and applied research. Authors abstract of the dissertation of the candidate of legal science. Nizhny Novgorod, 2023. 31 p. (In Russ).
4. On the procedure for awarding academic degrees: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation no. 842 of September 24, 2013. Collection of Legislation of the RF, 2013, no. 40, art. 5074. (In Russ).