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Abstract (English):
The authors explore the phenomenon of digital financial assets from the perspective of innovative investment technology. The dualism of legislative provisions interpreting the legal nature of these assets is criticized. The conclusion is substantiated that digital financial assets do not belong to objects of civil rights previously unknown to the Russian legal system, but represent property rights that are individualized in circulation by unique information codes. Being negotiable investment assets, they have a commodity-value nature; data on their ownership and transfer of rights to them are transmitted via Internet communications. Through digital financial assets, information technology has been implemented to record the property claims of participants in civil turnover and exchange data about them; they can submit mandatory requirements that are not legally prohibited from alienating them within the framework of assignable structures. Due to this innovative technology, participants in civil turnover receive the legal equivalent of a certain mandatory requirement in digital form, including a requirement fixed in equity securities, a requirement to transfer such securities, as well as corporate rights determined by participation in the capital of a non-public joint-stock company. The use of digital financial assets provides an opportunity for individuals and legal entities to build investment relationships with minimal intermediary participation, conduct financial transactions in a transparent manner, increase investment profitability, and simplify the search for counterparties.

digital financial assets, digital rights, investment technology, information codes
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