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Abstract (English):
The article presents an analysis of goods, the demand for which is determined by crime. These benefits are divided into groups depending on the nature of the legality of their origin and scope of use. The authors reflected the mechanism of determination of these benefits with the allocation of active and passive forms of participation in it of crime (subjects of the criminal sector). The criminal ways of forming demand for the products of subjects of the criminal sector (forcible imposition, economic supply, criminal cross-marketing) are highlighted, the negative consequences of the participation of the criminal sector in the formation of demand for economic benefits are reflected, to which the authors attributed the enormous public damage from criminal activity, the destructiveness and danger of products produced in the criminal sector, as well as criminal the nature of the ways in which demand is generated. The conclusion is substantiated that the demand generated by crime for goods that contribute to security is one of its destructive externalities for the socio-economic system and the development of society, associated with the need to divert economic resources from other significant goals of social development. Among the absolutely positive benefits that crime generates, the need for the state to pursue such a social and economic policy that would minimize the determinants of crime is highlighted.

economic benefits, demand, supply, crime, determination, formation
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