Russian Federation
The article examines the issues of opening up opportunities for Russian business in the context of geopolitical turbulence in a historical perspective. Approaches to the assessment of the main indicators characterizing the world hegemony are considered. The trend of changes in the GDP of the most influential countries from the historical position of the world order, as well as the dynamics of changes in the quality of life of the population of successful modern countries, in order to find the causes of the turbulence of the world order and analyze modern events, is studied. The analysis of the economic situation for entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation and Belarus, based on official statistical data, is carried out. The actions of the public sector are analyzed and creative approaches and tools are proposed, the use of which will contribute to the development of business structures, which will serve as a basis for creating new jobs and organizing modern production processes. The provisions of Russia’s economic security in the new system of a multipolar world are formulated.
conomic security, multipolar world, entrepreneurial business structures, creative view
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