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Abstract (English):
The author considers the current features of the study of law enforcement practice in cases of embezzlement of budgetary funds. The analysis of the most effective research tools is presented, namely, the method of interviewing practitioners and the method of expert assessments. As an illustration of the application of these methods, the research process of studying the identity of a criminal as an element of criminalistic characteristics in cases of such a type of embezzlement of budgetary funds as fraud with maternity capital is analyzed. The paper substantiates the need for a criminologist-developer to study the materials of pre-investigation inspections, as well as the priority of identifying and investigating the most socially dangerous, highly organized embezzlement, with a corruption component. Criminology as a science should direct its main efforts to the development of methods of investigation of such crimes.

criminal identity, embezzlement in the public sector, budgetary funds, law enforcement practice, criminalistic characteristics, method of expert assessments, fraud related to maternity capital
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