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Abstract (English):
The article presents a criminological analysis of the UN’s environmental protection activities. The rele-vance of the author’s appeal to these problems is emphasized by the fact that the state of the environment is most directly related to all spheres of human activity, without exception, starting from the prices of goods and ending with the state of his health in all countries of the world. It is noted that the development of significant UN documents on environmental protection and the intensification of the international community’s activities in the environmental field are inextricably linked with the convening of international conferences, among which were of particular importance: the UN Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 (Stockholm Conference), Conferences in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, 2012, the UN Conference on Climate Change in Kyoto in 1997, the UN Climate Conference in 2021. The author concludes that the UN is called to play a leading role in environmental protection. However, it does not have sufficient resources and competence to solve all global environmental problems. It is emphasized that despite some efforts of the world community, the global environmental crisis is getting worse, and the current national and international systems are not able to reduce the growing burden of humanity on the natural environment, including threats to environmental safety, environmental crime.

UN conferences, climate change, environmental protection, environmental problems, environmental crimes, environmental safety
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