Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of this study is to propose a model of a universal methodological key for determining the criteria for limiting constitutional rights in rulemaking and law enforcement, which makes it possible to successfully overcome unexpected cataclysms that arise, primarily caused by the appearance of a pandemic in our lives and partial mobilization on the territory of the Russian Federation, requiring a quick and legal solution. Based on the correlation of the criteria of the limits of restriction of constitutional rights with the highest constitutional values that make up the cultural code of the people of Russia, understandable to both law enforcement and law enforcement officers, united not only by knowledge of the constitutional basic (basal) principles-guarantees of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: man as the highest value (Articles 2, 17, 18), democracy (Article 3, 32), the rule of law (part 1. art. 4, art. 15), but also a direct obligation to comply with them, the author substantiates the possibility of recognizing them as the universal methodological key of lawmaking and law enforcement, on the basis of which it is possible to develop a structured mechanism for regulating such complex constitutional legal relations as determining the criteria for limiting constitutional rights.

limit, limitations of constitutional rights, criteria for limits of limitations of constitutional rights, constitutional values, legal culture and cultural code of the people of Russia, basic (basal) principles-guarantees of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. methodological key
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