from 01.01.2009 to 01.01.2019
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Analysis of the economic security of the state includes consideration of its budget revenues used in the implementation of social and economic programs of the state and protection. Budget revenues are the most important part of the state life support system at all levels of government. The article provides a list of activities, including the analysis of sources of information on the income of the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation, which made it possible to ensure the comparability of data for the historical period under consideration, as well as to detect a discrepancy between the data of Rosstat and the Treasury of Russia. The article presents reliable comparable actual data on tax revenues, non-tax revenues and gratuitous receipts to the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation for 1991–2021. In the work, along with the usual calculated indicators of the analysis of the time series, the average annual indicators for assessing the receipt of income in the consolidated budget are recommended for use, which provides additional opportunities for assessing quantitative and qualitative changes in the revenue part of the budget of the Russian Federation.
consolidated budget, consolidated budget, tax revenues, non-tax revenues, gratuitous receipts, time series
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