Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the present stage, which is characterized by new threats and challenges to Russia’s economic security, human capital is of fundamental importance for the innovative development of the country’s economy. From the perspective of innovative development, the dynamics of changes in the number of developed advanced production technologies by type of economic activity (total) in the Russian Federation for the period 2017–2021 is presented. It is shown that there is an increase in the number of advanced production technologies developed, which was not adversely affected by the external conjuncture. In view of the importance of human capital from the point of view of public health, the share of extra-budgetary investment in the development of sports on the scale of the federal districts of the Russian Federation for 2021, as well as the dynamics of the population (3–79 years) engaged in physical culture and sports for the period 2017–2021 is given. According to the author’s approach to the study of human capital development, the regions of Russia were certified using 12 classification features taken from the websites of Rosstat and the Ministry of Sports. The research method was an effective and creative method of cluster analysis based on neural networks — an essential section of artificial intelligence with the use of information technology. The result of neural network modeling was the differentiation of the regions of the Russian Federation into 6 clusters. The architecture of cluster formations is presented, reflecting the detailed entry of Russian regions into clusters. The average values of the considered indicators of human capital development in clusters and their average values in Russia are given. The analysis of the development of human capital in the regions of the Russian Federation through the prism of cluster formations was carried out, which showed its different level of development according to the totality of the studied indicators. Taking into account the systematic approach aimed at balancing and improving the development of human capital in the regions of Russia, the research method using artificial intelligence and the results presented in the work have practical significance. They can be effectively used in strategic planning of the development of Russian regions for the coming periods. This will serve to increase the validity of managerial decision-making in the direction of increasing the quality of human capital as the primary source of improving the economic security of the Russia.

economic security, human capital, artificial intelligence, cluster analysis, neural networks
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