In the presented article, using the historical and legal method, the legislative regulation of socially dangerous consequences of crimes in the sphere of economy in the Soviet criminal legislation is considered, the peculiarities of their construction in individual criminal legal acts are revealed. In particular, attention is drawn to the fact that in the uncodified criminal legislation of 1917–1922. the compositions of economic crimes contain practically no indications of the onset of socially dangerous consequences, however, since the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1922, they begin to be used in constructions providing for the protection of economic relations, subsequently, in the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1926 and 1960, socially dangerous consequences become an important criterion for the differentiation of criminal responsibility and are widely distributed in the regulation of the corresponding compositions of crimes. At the same time, the Criminal Law of 1960 did not disclose the content of certain consequences, granting these powers to law enforcement officials and courts, which negatively affected the uniformity and accuracy of the application of criminal legislation.
Soviet criminal legislation, historical and legal method, uncodified legislation, Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1922, Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1926, Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1960, economic crimes, socially dangerous consequences, evaluative concepts
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