Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
This article presents an observation of different economic conflicts in economic spheres. It is made authors’ definition of economic conflicts. Nowadays there are contradictory situations in providing public services with connection of the state and population, that has features of using digital services, platforms. Digitalization of economic processes presents using electronic resources for satisfaction of needs of subjects of economic activities (individuals and legal entities). In the article it is analyzed the experience of development of information systems made during digitalization. Authors pay attention to execution of the public powers at the regional level, give the observation of internal and external contours of regional economics, that influences to the formation and development economic processes including digitalization. Using management decisions in goals of reducing negative consequences after digital platforms directed to harmonization and leveling contradictions is intended to become a method of management of economic conflicts.
conflicts, economic conflicts, digitalization, electronic resources, digital infrastructure, management of economic processes, state, population, businesses
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