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Abstract (English):
Currently, the problems associated with the growth of crime in the field of information and telecommunication technologies are becoming increasingly important. Criminals who commit theft in the field of information and telecommunication technologies regularly improve their criminal skills, using in their activities not only modern software tools, but also social engineering methods — certain techniques, as a result of which the victim either independently transfers his money to the account of criminals, or transfers confidential information (for example, personal data, payment card data, control information, passwords) necessary to gain access to the account. The article identifies and analyzes the methods of social engineering used in criminal activity as a kind of deception and psychological manipulation of people in order to obtain unauthorized access to confidential information or theft of funds. The paper substantiates the approach, according to which the study of social engineering methods is conditioned by the need to study them in relation to those characteristics that can make it possible to determine the features of the methods of preparing, committing and concealing a crime, to identify the localization of typical traces of criminal activity, to give a forensic characterization of the identity of the offender and the victim, to determine the context of the crime. The solution of this problem will allow not only to effectively reveal and investigate crimes in the field of information and telecommunication technologies, but also to take measures to prevent them.

criminalistics, crime investigation, social engineering, cybercrime, social engineering methods, information and telecommunication technologies
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