Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this study, the authors analyze judicial practice in the field of protecting the business reputation of internal affairs bodies, the possibility of interaction between the media and internal affairs bodies in order to form the image of law enforcement agencies. The article is a brief analysis of the essential characteristics of “reputation” in historical retrospective and its etymological meaning. The definition of the concept of “reputation” proposed by the authors involves its multidimensional analysis from the standpoint of various branches of law. The study contains a description of the criterion of “business” reputation and its relationship with the activities of the internal affairs bodies. The authors considered business reputation as an activity-based active process aimed at achieving certain goals, identified areas for using the definition of the concept of “business reputation” in the activities of internal affairs bodies.The article contains excerpts from judicial practice illustrating the ways of discrediting employees of the internal affairs bodies that have damaged their business reputation. The authors suggested that the balance of interests of law enforcement agencies, society as a whole and individual citizens can be found. As one of the directions for the formation of a positive image of employees of the internal affairs bodies, the interaction of the media and the internal affairs bodies is named.

internal affairs bodies, business reputation, reputation, protection of rights, information occasion
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