Small and medium-sized businesses are the driving force behind the country’s economic growth. The indicators of the current state of this sector of the economy in Russia indicate an insufficient level of its development. The active involvement of young people in entrepreneurship will increase the number of small and medium-sized businesses, which is one of the strategic goals of our state. Today, the average age of an entrepreneur is 38 years old and indicates a small proportion of young people in the business environment. This situation is explained by a number of factors, the main of which are the lack of own funds and weak funding, lack of necessary knowledge and skills. State support for young entrepreneurs is carried out through the implementation of various programs aimed at involving schoolchildren, students and graduates in business, providing training in the basics of entrepreneurial activity, providing subsidies to organizations that make up the support structure for small and medium-sized, as well as youth entrepreneurship. It is fair to say that the current system is not perfect. There is no proper legislative regulation of social relations arising in connection with the implementation of entrepreneurship by young people and the activities of state bodies and public associations aimed at developing and supporting youth business. The article discusses the main problems in the sector of the economy under consideration and proposes priority areas for the activities of authorities, commercial and non-profit organizations, the implementation of which contributes to the strengthening and development of youth entrepreneurship.
youth entrepreneurship, small and medium business, government support, youth entrepreneurship support program
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