Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The general aspects of the appearance and development of the term “operational investigative support of preliminary investigation and trial” (hereinafter referred to as ORO) in the theory of operational investigative activity are considered; the circle of scientists who have studied this category is determined; their points of view regarding this concept are analyzed; the main features of ORO reflecting its content and essence are highlighted; the main directions are emphasized ORO; the author raises questions about the lack of clear ideas of the operational staff of the economic security and anti-corruption units (hereinafter referred to as EBiPK) about the tasks of the ORO being solved within the framework of interaction with the investigative authorities to investigate criminal cases of corruption-related crimes in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs; one of the tasks of the ORO is considered in detail — the establishment of property that can be seized or subject to confiscation, as well as the identification and documentation of the facts of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime in criminal cases of corruption-related crimes in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs; the author proposes a procedure for the operational staff of the EBiPK units to establish the property subject to arrest, as well as to establish the facts of legalization by suspects (accused) in criminal cases for corruption-related crimes in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs; it is concluded that the ORO should be systematically and continuously carried out at all major stages of the criminal process: both at the stage of initiation of a criminal case and at the stage of trial.

operational investigative support, procurement for state and municipal needs, corruption-related crimes, material damage, compensation for damage, seizure of property
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