Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The development of the country’s economy and its integral element — the securities market, at all stages of the development of the state is under special attention from all subjects of economic activity. The criminal attractiveness of the economic sphere, the state’s promise to improve the economy and its versatile support raise the question of the content of the social and legal conditionality of the criminalization of socially dangerous acts committed in the securities market. The social and legal conditionality of socially dangerous activities is a very important criminal law and criminological institution. In the Russian Federation, given the unfriendly behavior on the part of foreign participants in the international securities market, it has its own characteristics. The fight against acts that encroach on the established procedure for the circulation of securities, which are deeply latent and entail serious economic losses for bona fide participants in the securities market, in a difficult economic situation, should be one of the priorities of modern criminal policy. The level of organization of these crimes is growing, as well as the increasing use of digital and virtual technologies in their commission. Countering crimes committed in the securities market should be based on increasing the level of interaction between entities related to the activities of the securities market and the application of preventive organizational and legal and technical measures, including the criminal law format, based on the criteria for the social and legal conditionality of the criminalization of acts.
socio-legal conditionality, securities market, economy, state, criminalization, security
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10. Appeal decision of the Judicial Board of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court. Case no. 22-4935/2021. URL: https://court decisions.rf/61755258#decision (accessed 26.08.2022). (In Russ.)
11. Reasons for the emergence of financial pyramids. URL: (accessed 26.08.2022). (In Russ.)