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Abstract (English):
The article attempts to analyze the market for the lease of land plots in state and municipal ownership. The author considers the features of a land plot as a subject of a lease agreement, its characteristics as an individually defined thing and the possibility of using land plots as a financial asset. Among the characteristics of a land plot as the subject of a lease agreement, its purpose, associated with the type of permitted use, is considered. The author provides an analysis of law enforcement practice aimed at changing the type of permitted use of a land plot provided for temporary use by individuals or legal entities, and explores the need to amend the land lease agreement. The author suggested that the ambiguity in the interpretation of the procedure for changing the type of permitted use, and, as a result, making changes to the lease agreement, can be eliminated by including, by agreement of the parties, in the agreement a condition on the impossibility of changing the type of permitted use during the term of the agreement. The dispositiveness of civil law makes it possible to include this condition in the contract and avoid both the abuse of the right and the possibility of concluding “speculative transactions” to replace the party to the obligation in order to circumvent competitive procedures.

lease of land plots, intended purpose, categories of land, type of permitted use
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