Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article reveals the role of the regions’ competitiveness and their competitive advantages in ensuring economic security, considers the factors that determine the assessment of the level of regional competitiveness, identifies the reasons that impede its growth. The economic security of the region should ensure the integration of the regional economic system into the national economy, but at the same time, regional economic systems should be in a state of competition for human, financial, investment and other resources. The competitive struggle of regions is due to the presence of certain competitive advantages. The assessment of the competitiveness of the region and the level of its economic security is based on identical indicators, while both concepts are interrelated and interdependent characteristics of regional economic systems. The formation of new approaches in the federal territorial economy should be based on the development of existing and identification of new competitive advantages of the regions to increase the level of regional and national economic security.
economic security, regional economic security, competitiveness, regional competitiveness, competitive advantages
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