00779naa#a2200193#i#450# EN\\bibl\45801 20240722173101.1 2078-5356 20210921b2021####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU Beware of plagiarism! Review of didactic material by Aleksandr S. Grigoryev “Yuridicheskaya tekhnika (Legal technique)” (Moscow: Urait Publ., 2020. 183 p.) Journal article Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia 2021 4 с. Journal article local Право. Юридические науки. 34 Baranov Vladimir Mihaylovich Vlasyenko Nikolay Aleksandrovich Davydova Marina Leonidovna namvd.editorum.ru